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- ; this is the same as 5, but a bit more structured.
- top: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7) ; save regs on the stack.
- loop:
- clr.l d0 ; move zeros to d0
- bsr checkleft ; execute subroutines
- bsr checkright ; " "
- bsr selectaction ; " "
- cmp.l #3,d0 ; d0 = 3 ?
- bne.s loop ; not yet !!
- endofprogram:
- movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6 ; load the regs from stack
- rts
- ************************ subroutines ************************
- checkleft:
- btst #6,$bfe001 ; check left button
- bne.s endcheckleft ; not pressed -> end checkl.
- add.l #1,d0 ; pressed -> add 1 to d0
- endcheckleft:
- rts ; back to calling point
- ; -------------------------------------
- checkright:
- btst #10,$dff016 ; this is how you check RMB
- bne.s endcheckright ; not pressed -> end checkr.
- add.l #2,d0 ; pressed -> add 2 to d0
- endcheckright:
- rts ; back to calling point
- ; -------------------------------------
- selectaction:
- cmp.l #1,d0 ; d0 = 1 ?
- bne.s nobackgroundflash ; no !
- add.w #1,$dff180 ; yes !
- nobackgroundflash:
- cmp.l #2,d0 ; d0 = 2 ?
- bne.s notextflash ; no !
- add.w #1,$dff182 ; yes !
- notextflash:
- rts
- ; -------------------------------------
- ; ok, this looks better ain't it ? You see, the program has changed
- ; quite a bit: we used 'SUBROUTINES'. Using them, you can
- ; put smaller problems (like checking the left- and the right button)
- ; in separate, smaller 'programs' and jump to it each time you need
- ; it. You will agree that it's easier to follow than example 5.
- ; of where you enter and leave the subroutine ! An example:
- ;
- ; You write a program that is intended to execute a subroutine, over
- ; and over again...
- ;
- ; main: BSR routine
- ; BRA main
- ;
- ; routine:instruction 1
- ; instruction 2
- ; ...
- ; BRA main
- ;
- ; when you do a BSR, the computer saves this point in a list (called
- ; 'STACK'), so when he encounters a RTS, he can jump back to that
- ; point. This point will then be removed from the stack.
- ; BSR (append this address to stack)
- ; RTS (jump to current address in stack, remove stack-entry)
- ; If you do more BSR after eachother, he will store all these
- ; points, and the first RTS will cause him to jump back to the last
- ; saved point. Something like this :
- ; BSR (save in stack, position 1)
- ; BSR (save in stack, position 2)
- ; ...
- ; RTS (get position 2 from stack, remove it)
- ; RTS (get position 1 from stack, remove it)
- ; RTS (stack empty -> back to SEKA)
- ; In our example, we never did a RTS, so the list would become larger
- ; and larger, After a while, memory will be full, and the Guru will
- ; awaken...
- ; These kind of mistakes are often pretty hard to trace :
- ; You dont see that there something wrong: the routine is indeed
- ; executed time after time, but in fact, you're about to crash !!
- ; NOTE: the stack can be considered as a heap of notes. On each note
- ; you can write something, then you put it on top of the heap.
- ; if you take one from this heap, you take the one that is on
- ; top, in other words: the one you put down the latest.
- ; The computer does the same, so if you put something on the
- ; stack, remember only to take it back when it's there.
- ; This would be wrong, for example:
- ;
- ; BSR routine
- ; ...
- ;
- ;
- ; routine:MOVEM.L d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
- ; RTS
- ;
- ; BSR causes the computer to save this point on the stack, to be
- ; able to jump back later...
- ; 'routine' puts values on the stack, using the MOVEM .. -(a7), and
- ; then tries to jump back from the subroutine. The last value on
- ; the stack will however NOT be the address that was saved when
- ; jumping to the routine, but it will be one of the registers we
- ; just saved. so we will jump to a completely unknown value, which
- ; will probably cause a GURU !!!